I was born in Ohio and now I live in Florida with my husband, two not-so-miniature Australian shepherds and a black cat. I write whenever I can. I drive a bright red Jeep, read murder mysteries and walk up to 5 miles a day. I grow African violets and orchids and colorful vegetables. I'm a Leo and I have collected lions in every shape and style for as long as I can remember.
I was unable to get around for a number of years because of nerve damage from an uncommon condition called RSD, but now I'm better, thanks to new meds for chronic pain.
Life is good.
Ireland - Great Britain - Iceland - Egypt - Israel - Kenya - Tanzania
Connecticut College, New London, CT - BA
Goldsmith's College, London University, New Cross, London, England
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA - MA
Exeter College, Oxford University, Oxford, England
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio - PhD
I've published fantasy poems in Mythic Delirium, Strange Horizons, Goblin Fruit and Dragons, Knights & Angels. Read or listen to my poem "Genesis," published in Mythic Delirium, here: http://www.mythicdelirium.com/archive7.htm
I won The Jack London Award from the California Writer's Club, East Sierra branch.
I've written articles on Victorian women explorers, Tony Hillerman, Charles Dickens, Muriel Ruckeyser, Tatyana Tolstaya, Kenneth Fearing and others, which were published in The Dictionary of National Biography, Issues & Identities in Literature, Masterplots and Magill's Survey of American Literature.
I've written feature articles published in Booklist, The Institute of Children's Literature (on-line), The Plain Dealer Sunday Magazine, Ohio Magazine and various newsletters from writing to business to the International Platform Association.
I've written book reviews published in the ALA's Booklist, The Cleveland Plain Dealer and The Daily Independent, Ridgecrest, CA.
I've taught British Literature courses from Medieval to Victorian, Creative Writing courses from fiction to poetry, & general Humanities courses from Mythology to Children's Literature at Case Western Reserve University, University of Pittsburgh and Rio Salado College (on-line).
I've reported and photographed for daily newspapers and edited for weekly newspapers in northern Ohio.
I edited Goblinmarket Magazine, Miss Marple's Mystery Magazine & The William Morris Page, all on-line.